The sickness sickens me............
Well, nothing like catching Virus #3. This is my third virus in the last 4 weeks. I have literally been sick since the end of December. I am going to start naming them. Kind of like they name hurricanes. The first one will be Virus Deborah, the second Virus Shaniqua and the third is now called Virus Marty. (this one is named after this really annoying guy that kept trying to pick me up even though he knew I was married and had a kid, and this virus is annoyingly in my lungs...)
Between Deb, Shaniqua and Misty, and also my surgery in December, I have been weakened and annoyed and discouraged for, what feels like forever. I remember when I was younger really disliking those people that claimed that they were always sick. I was always like "just suck it up!!" I'm sure that is what people are thinking about me now - it's frusterating.A friend of mine told me that the way that she has been trying to handle panic (that she gets on a regular basis) is by not allowing it to control her. She'll recognize that it is panic and she'll say "Hi Panic, so we're going to hang out for a while. That's ok, you do your thing, and I'll do mine" and apparently it doesn't get the best of her. I'm thinking of trying this for my virus's too. "Oh hi Shaniqua, (or Marty etc.) so - you're going to hang out with me for a while? That's cool, we can hang out - but you can't take over...." "Got it Marty?" "Yeah?" "You wanna go?" "I could kick your butt!" Anyhow - you get the picture. Just not letting it take over. Anyhow - I appologize for becoming one of those people that I used to not like. Next year - FLU SHOT! (Sorry for making fun of you Kent for getting one this year - it came back and bit me in the ass) I'm out.
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