Somewhere over the rainbow.....

Monday, April 03, 2006

Is Aquafina Flavor splash the source of my problems?

Ok - so Flavorsplash is good stuff right? Great for people like myself who can't stomach pop or juice. It's a refreshing change from regular water and milk.
A year ago or so I noticed the flavorsplash's goodness, and starting drinking it very regularly. I then started noticing some little problems such as; pain in side, sore kidneys, peeing every 2 seconds (hehe), etc.
I then went in to the doctors and I was told that I had a cyst that had to be removed. So - December came, they went in to remove my ovary, and nothing was for nothing.
Anyhow - I started drinking regular water again and didn't drink any of the "special" water, and I started to heal and get healthy again.
I realized that it probably had nothing to do with anything, but I still avoided it.....UNTIL....
I was in the store grabbing a bottle of regular water - when what was infront of me??? A NEW FLAVOR! And not just any flavor - GRAPE flavor!!!
So - I started drinking it again - not as much as before - but still maybe 1 every couple of days....
I've noticed recently that sometimes my kidneys hurt, I will constantly pee (hehe) and I am getting some stomach pain....
Coincidence? I don't know....
But - I can't stop drinking this damn drink.


Blogger Laura said...

Ooo, kidneys - be really careful Kerri, because you don't want them to fall out or anything like that. ;)

But I get what you're saying about flavoured water, yum!

11:16 AM  

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