it's been so long that I'm on a NEW cleanse.....
Hi all.
it's been a long time...
I've just started a new cleanse (MANY months after the old one) which by the way, concluded quite well....
I've now gone 2 days without food and I'm actually feeling pretty good. I just remembered though that it's Easter weekend that I chose to cleanse on....DARN IT!
So...I guess that I should do the stats like last time....
Currently Feeling: Alright - but if there was a burger infront of me....can't say I wouldn't take a nibble....
wearing: This shirt that I have that is totally 60''s kind of's like a "the 60's meet alice in wonderland" kind of shirt...
Currently weight: Not going there...
Photos will start tomorrow.....
I was thinking about it though...
the reason I'm really doing this cleanse is to get my mind clear before I go on this next tour...
(I'm heading out to the Toronto area for about 2 weeks in a couple weeks from now)
I hope that I can go for the right reasons, and that we will be used to break through to some people....
Sometimes I wonder if I'm this hopeless romantic (not in a love sense) but in a "save the world" know? like - I totally hope that my music might change someone, or bring them that dumb? I hope it isn't...
The funniest thing happened the other day.
My son Kai was on the bus with me and he started just full out talking to everyone around him. It was SUCH a funny position to be in b/c I am REALLY shy around people I don't know, and I would NEVER talk to strangers for no reason, but there he was, chatting away....FORCING me to make conversation with him. Talk about taking me out of my element...and the person doing it and putting me in that situation was 4 years old!!
Man - he's funny. This one lady didn't want to talk to him and he just kept going "what's wrong with her! Why won't she answer? Can she not talk??"
haha - it was SO funny AND awkward at the same time.
Good things DO come in small packages....hehe - that's cheesy...but I felt like it should go there...
I'll do an update on my life on the next's not really THAT exciting...but that's ok.
Take care Y'ALL.