Somewhere over the rainbow.....

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Cleanse Report: Day 5

Currently Feeling: HUNGRY!!! (especially for salt!!!)
Current Tongue conditions: kind of the same
Currently wearing: nothing to write home about
Current height: 5'9!!!!
Current weight: I'm checking FOR REAL today!!!
Well, today is good b/c I'm now officially HALF done!! Woohoo!! So - I only have 5 days left now. I'm feeling alright - Brent made these steak/onion/pepper wraps - and cooked the steak and onions in beer and the smell almost drove me mental. He went to have a shower and left the food simmering on the stove and I found myself bent over it just breathing in the smell. The crazy thing is that I don't eat red meat at all, I don't even like it. I just want that food. I won't though.
I was at the video store today too, and weirdly enough - REALLY wanted DORITOS. I don't even eat those. SOOO weird.
Anyhow - other than that I'm doing well. I am hoping it is doing something - and can't imagine that it isn't.
I'm out.


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