Cleanse Report: Day 2
Currently feeling: Weirdly enough - a little tired - but - STILL quite optomistic
Current tongue conditions: grossness going strong!
Currently wearing: my mj anne couture shirt and some brown pants
Current height: STILL 5'2!!!
Current Weight: Forgot to check!!
Well, It's 6:40 on day two (pm) and I actually feel really good still. I felt like gold this morning, probably b/c I always forget to have breakfast and I'm not used to having a calorie intake in the morning...mental note: eat breakfast after fast. I found myself sneak a teaspoon of the organic maple syrup I use to make this drink. I guess i needed the sugar. Although - I normally would NEVER eat it by itself. Haha. Weird!
The cayenne pepper in the drink adds a lot of kick, that's for sure. Kind of cool , kind of weird. I am growing self conscious of the fact that I am carrying around an 8 glass container everywhere with me and people are starting to think I have an intense iced tea addiction.
I feel a little tired. Nothing too big, just a little bit like having a nap. Unfortunelty for me, I can't have a nap, I have rehearsal for worship at the meeting place and the AFTER THAT I have to meet the client who while I shooting their photos, I cut my leg open and a gust of wind blew my skirt over my head. Do you think maybe he forgot? Oh man. I'm such a loser.
I notice that my stomach hurts a little today - not hungry hurt, but like where my cysts are hurt. I'm hoping they are doing something good down there. haha.
Man - I just recently heard a friend of our's music - his name is Jeremy Remple, and wow - his stuff is fantastic! It's been my fast music. Well, not fast music, but MY FASTING music.
Anyhow - I'm off to rehearsal.!
Take it easy all you eating people!
that was weird...
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