Somewhere over the rainbow.....

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 2 of the cleanse.....

Currently feeling: A LITTLE hungry (or bored, I can't tell)
Currently wearing: a yellow shirt with tons of girl heads on it, sweater...nothing fancy.
Current weight: I don't know today....but I started two days ago at......(drumroll!!) 117. AGH!

Hi all.
well, yesterday was tough b/c it was the first day, and I just felt mad that I couldn't eat. I LOVE eating...SO MUCH.
I also eat b/c I'm bored quite often, so I find that I'm bored a lot more now.
I've so far gone......40 hours or so with no food. It's crazy.
I feel pretty good, although I took Kai to the zoo today for like 4 hours in the hot sun, so I feel a little exhausted.....
well, I'm going to go nap for a little bit, until I have to make dinner for Kai...(THAT'S the WORST!) making all this food I can't eat.
Oh well, cest la vie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wheeler could tell me anything about this Rev.. Give me time, he pleaded.. Ye kin have all ye want.. Also the memory of the whiteness and slipperiness of his collar oppressed him. De war had done lef' old mars' po' hisself.. The man who first reached the register wrote, in a straight black scrawl, J.. He said, that, if the Bishop came to preach at Naguadavick, all the Episcopal clergy of the neighborhood were present; if Dr.. Elder Brown smiled wearily: it was Balaam's appeal, and he recognized it.. Gideon had made up his mind, and if he had been told that they started in five minutes he would not have changed it.. But for a long time I exerted myself in vain.. Action and the conscious expression of thought mostly suffice for the practical need of judging a man's character.. I have no doubt your daughter will put me in possession of sufficient facts and details--to constitute what we call--er--a brief.. No feature known to our reason whilst awake is absent.. When one stranger has a splendidly preserved blonde wife and the other a splendidly preserved brunette wife, both of whom have won social prominence by years of hard fighting and aloofness, there remains nothing for the two men but to follow the lead, especially when directly under the eyes of the leaders. The thoughts themselves fit beautifully together into chains logically bound together with certain central ideas which ever repeat themselves.. The child having been shaken up hard (two or three others helping Christopher), rubbed his eyes and began to whine.. But Titbottom had resumed his usual tone, after the momentary excitement, and made no further allusion to himself.. And that were answer enough to hurt his feelin's.. Oh, Lord! They had rounded the big clump of evergreens and found Aunt Missouri Claiborne placidly rocking on the front porch! Directed to mount steps and ring bell, to lay cards upon the servant, how should one deal with a rosy-faced, plump lady of uncertain years in a rocking-chair.. In this connection she now herself offers the interpretation that the little one is the genital, her little one (she has a four-year-old daughter) her own genital...

7:08 PM  

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