Learning to Draw in a month.....
Hi all, it has been a while. That is because I am learning to draw in one month. I decided against Hertzing, as I decided that I wanted to do it right this time and take a reputable program. I am now attempting to be accepted to Red River college in their graphic design program.
I will apply by tuesday (the cut off date) and then they will send me their portfolio requirements. That is when I realize that I really don't know how to draw. I have been trying to draw for at least an hour a day - some days more than that, and come up with concepts....my main problem is that I have ideas in my head.....I just don't have the capacity to get them out of there.....
I really want this program....I want to do this. I am open for any advice anyone has about this....drawing and stuff....I'm hoping being a photographer will be beneficial - as I want to be more of a photographer/designer....with some illustration...not a illustrator/designer with some photography...
anyhow - that's a lot of babble....I don't mean to...but I'm excited and at that applying stage.....
but for now......I must draw.....